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Which Dog is Most Like You?

Most people would probably say that they choose their friends, in part, because they share common interests and have similar personality traits. Dogs too, have individual interests and unique personalities.

It's fun to think about dogs that remind us of ourselves... who like to do the same things or who have a similar personality to us.


For fun, click on each of the seven dogs pictures below (from the Meet the Dogs page).  Read their short bios and look at their pictures and videos. Then, decide which one is most like you (don’t worry if they are male or female, just think about their personality). If none remind you of yourself, look around the Meet the Dogs page and see if you can find one that does!

Which dog are you most like in terms of personality and interests?


What makes you say so?

A Fair Shake for Youth is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization
2020 © A Fair Shake for Youth, Inc.  

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