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Slick's Stats:

Breed: Staffordshire Terrier/Bulldog Mix

Age: 4

Home State: New York

Guardian:  Kristina

Most Recent School: MS 50 Brooklyn

Email Lucy

Slick's Story

Slick is a four-year-old Staffordshire Terrier/American bulldog/Aussie Shepherd mix from Brooklyn. He was dropped off with his mother at Animal Care Center (ACC), New York City's  shelter in October of 2016. All we know is that his previous owners could not keep dogs in their apartment any longer and brought him to the shelter. Then, a rescue organization, Best Friends Animal Society  "pulled him" from the shelter to help him find a home. There are 100s of rescue organizations that work with the city shelter because the shelter doesn't have enough room for all the dogs brought there. 


I was volunteering with Best Friends at the time fostering dogs (giving them a temporary home). The rescue brought Slick to our apartment and as soon as he walked into our apartment on that rainy December night we fell in love. He had found his permanent home! We feel so fortunate that he came into our lives.

At School

Slick always knows when we are walking up to school each week. He feels very comfortable with his new friends and loves the attention as well as the new challenges in each class. 

Free Time

Slick loves to run on the beach and to take hikes. He also likes playing with and helping his new human baby brother. 

Photo: Daniel Krieger

A Fair Shake for Youth is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization
2020 © A Fair Shake for Youth, Inc.  

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