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Sunny Stats:

Breed: Labrador Retriever

Age: 9

Home State: New York

Guardian:  Bruce

Most Recent School:  IS 191

Email Lucy

Sunny's Story

I adopted Sunny when she was just 8 weeks old.  She came from Guiding Eyes, an organization that breeds and trains guide dogs for visually impaired people. It's amazing but they can figure out at a really young age whether a puppy will likely have the ability to do this kind of work. It takes a lot of focus and concentration. Because they are experts they could tell that Sunny would likely be too distracted to focus so intently and might not be able to keep her person safe - what if Sunny saw a squirrel? or a person who looked at her admiringly while crossing a street?


She may have not made a good guide dog but she has been a fantastic companion. Ever since I brought her home everyone has seemed to like her. So even though she could not help lead someone I decided to become a therapy dog team with her. So, in the end, she is still helping people.

At School

Sunny is a bit of a ham at school. She knows how to do almost everything including many tricks but she often pretends she has no idea until the treats come out. I don't mind because she is older now and I feel she has  earned the privilege of goofing off sometimes.

Free Time

Sunny likes a good game of tug or to play hide and seek. And, she likes to nap.

Photo:  Eric Ferrar

A Fair Shake for Youth is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization
2020 © A Fair Shake for Youth, Inc.  

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