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Aime Stats:

Breed: Beagle/Jack Russell Mix

Age: 9

Home State: Georgia

Guardian:  Toni

Most Recent School:  IS 191

Email Lucy


Aime's Story
Aime was 3 years old when my husband and I adopted her from an animal shelter on Long Island. Aime had traveled on a transport of dogs from Georgia who all needed a home. We decided we wanted a dog after we finished babysitting for our daughter's dog. We had gotten used to all that love. 

When we set out we thought we wanted a big dog like our daughter's. We thought we had found a dog to adopt but our building said he was not welcome because he looked like he was a Pitbull. Many buildings and people discriminate against Pitbull-type dogs because they assume they are all dangerous. But just like with people, dogs are individuals and it is not fair to think that all dogs of a certain breed are the same.


We found Aime online at a shelter on Long Island.  We drove out to the shelter to meet her.  She was nestled in the back of a kennel that she shared with several barking Chihuahuas. The shelter said that they had never heard Aime bark so that was it - we took her home.

Once she settled into her new home in New York City it was clear that she loved people and was really not afraid of much.  A great combination for a therapy dog! 

At School
Aime is all in and loves to be active. The agility jump and tunnel are her favorites. She likes to learn new things and loves all the praise and treats that come with it.  Aime also visits a children's hospital to cheer up kids who are sick to brighten up what can be a long and scary day.


Free Time

Aime likes to relax and go for walks and snack. In fact, Aime knows so many words related to food that we have to spell them rather than say them! Aime also likes to listen to classical music by composers like Beethoven and Mozart.

A Fair Shake for Youth is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization
2020 © A Fair Shake for Youth, Inc.  

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