Beau Stats:
Breed: Siberian Husky
Age: 10
Home State: Pennsylvania
Guardian: Caroline
Most Recent School: Mott Haven Academy
Email Lucy

Beau's Story
Beau is a Siberian Husky who I rescued from a small rescue group outside of Philadelphia. He spent the first part of his life neglected before he was rescued. He lived in several different foster homes before I adopted him at about 10 months old. We headed for New York City and he loved it right away. Beau was not afraid of the loud noises, smelly smells or busy sidewalks. I think he just knew he was home, loved and safe.
At School
Beau loves all the attention kids give him at school and all the action. After all, his breed pulls sleds over thousands of miles in Alaska! The last school that we went to had a Husky as their mascot. So, I think Beau believed that everyone was wearing sweatshirts with his picture on them.
Free Time
Beau spends a lot of his free time visiting people who need extra love and support. We visit patients in hospitals, older people in nursing homes, and sometimes even people in their own home if they are too frail or sick to go out. One of the cool things about Beau is that he senses what people need and adjusts his behavior to make them comfortable.
Beau likes to play with his dog friends in the neighborhood, take long walks, sing (Husky talking) and play with his stuffed hedgehogs. But most of all he loves a romp in the snow.